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Home / Spoon Care-old

Spoon Care-old

How To Care For Your Jonathan’s® Spoons

Love your spoons and they’ll love you back! With proper care, your new Jonathan’s® Wild Cherry Spoon will last a lifetime. I recommend that you scrub them with a Scotchbrite® pad using soap and warm water. Occasionally oil them with natural coconut oil using a paper towel or cloth. When you want them to look their best – coconut oil is my favorite!

I do not recommend using a dishwasher for any wood, as the drying cycle dehydrates wood too rapidly which can cause it to crack, and cleaning agents may age the surface of the wood. People say my spoons survive their dishwashers just fine but I would keep my Ladles and Inside-out tongs® away from the dishwasher. The color of my spoons will deepen with use and with age, their beauty goes beyond skin deep, becoming the cherished utensils that we always reach for – embodying the internal beauty of usefulness.

Jonathan’s® Spoon Wax

All of our Jonathan’s Spoons products love to be treated with this
spoon wax!

Our Spoon wax is pure and natural; a simple combination of beeswax and organic coconut oil. Feel confident using this wax on any of your wooden utensils or cutting boards.

All of our kitchen utensils are made from select cherry wood, sustainably harvested and fully biodegradable. They are perfect for the conscientious cook and our environment.

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