We have prepared a list of potential questions that may be asked during an interview. Along with the questions, we have included information the interviewer will be seeking in your response. Remember, you want to answer the question they asked, so answer the question with a short, precise answer so they can move on to the next question.

Why you are seeking a change? You want to be honest, but make sure you do not use too many negatives about your current situation or employer.

Your strengths – what have you accomplished in your career?  Try to be specific.

They are looking to see if you are willing to make sure the job is done and work outside your stated hours to make sure your responsibilities are met.

He/she is looking for negatives, give positives only!

They know people do not always work well together, but they want to hear that you will make every effort to work well with other managers and/or employees.

Your ability to judge fairly is being evaluated with this question. Point out the positives before listing a few negatives.  They know the situation is not perfect or you would not be seeking another position. But they also do not want to hear everything you dislike about your current position.

With this question, you want to directly apply your experience/qualifications to what he/she is looking for. Again, try to use some specific statements.

They are going to want to know you researched their company and you are interested in joining them.

Talk about responsibilities and career growth.

Be positive. Try to turn your weakness into a positive.  But do not be afraid to list a couple things you believe you can improve on.  They will respect honesty.

Express your long terms goals of advancement, but do not over qualify yourself for the position. They want to hire a candidate that will be “happy” in the positions.

Competitive aggressiveness is what is being evaluated.  They are looking for someone who will fit the position.

Sense of accomplishment and reward of getting the job done is always a good answer.

When answering this question, keep in mind what the position entails and employer is looking for.

Try to avoid providing a specific amount.  You can always use a range that can be further narrowed once you know more about the specific responsibilities and cost of living in the area.

List your strengths as they apply to the positions needs.  They are going to want to hear you are confident that you can fill the requirements and responsibilities they are seeking.

Employer is looking for interest in the position and company.  Answer honestly either way – It is an excellent opportunity or I really want the job! DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TELL THEM YOU WANT THE JOB.  THAT IS WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR.

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