Custom mix designs are developed according to project specific conditions, material can be designed to be more flexible or ridged, as desired. Conventional paving equipment is used for placement of material.
Cold Mix Paving offers an economical, long-life alternative to Hot Mix for low volume roads. Dense graded Cold Mix materials combine the early strength necessary for a quick return of traffic with the necessary flexibility to perform extremely well over pavements with a deficient or severely deteriorated base.
AMS Paving: FB-Modified
FB-Modified is a dense graded Cold Mix which is a combination base and wearing course in one material. FB-Modified is typically selected for low volume roads which have a deficient base and are severely deteriorated where a flexible material is required. Below are some typical applications:
New or Reconstruction
- 3 inch compacted depth overlay
New or Reconstruction
- Levelling course followed by a 2 inch compacted depth overlay
- 2 inch compacted depth overlay
- Leveling course followed by a Double Chip Seal
FB-Modified can be designed utilizing 100% virgin material or a combination of virgin and reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), saving tax dollars, this option must be Double Chip Sealed the same year.
AMS Paving:
FB-3 Wearing
FB-3 Modified Wearing is a dense graded Cold Mix wearing course for low volume roads which require a 1½ inch overlay. Material can also be used as a scratch or leveling course to restore pavement profile but must be followed by a Double Chip Seal. This cost effective solution for roads which are too out of profile to simply Chip Seal, but which do not require a 1½ inch overlay, will benefit from this thin flexible overlay.
Benefits of Cold Mix Paving
- Flexible paving system specifically designed for low volume roads
- Can be applied to roads which have a marginal base, due to the material’s flexibility
- More durable than conventional Hot Mix on low volume roads
- Can be open to traffic as soon as material is compacted
- Custom mix design completed for each project to address project specific conditions
- Environmentally friendly “green” paving material requires no heating of aggregates
- On site plant dedicated to one project
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